Hi, my name is Katlyn. As a mum of four kids, I take their health very seriously. However, I also take my own parenting philosophies seriously. Because of that, I have always attempted to find doctors and health care providers who resonate with my style. That includes everything from their thoughts on how often to prescribe medication to how they speak to my children. If you want tips on finding the perfect healthcare provider, please explore these posts. They contain everything I have learned over the years, and I hope my experiences can really help other mums and families! Take Care, Katlyn.
Zoey Olson
Migraine sufferers can be totally debilitated by their migraines at times. Migraines are a painful headache, often accompanied by nausea or vomiting as well as light and sound sensitivity.
If you are called in to help a friend with a migraine, but unsure of the best things to do to help, read on.
Shut out the light and noise
Many migraine sufferers retreat to bed when they feel a migraine coming on, and do their best to remove light and sound from their room. If they haven't managed to soundproof the room entirely, do you best to shut out any light sources and noise by shutting windows and blinds, and covering any windows without window coverings. If there is some annoying noise you can't remove, white noise such as a gentle air fan might help mitigate the interruption.
Make sure they take their medication
If your friend has regular migraines they may have some standard migraine medication or pain relief, which they take to help with the migraine. Many migraines sufferers also have chronic nausea when they get migraines, so also make sure they take any anti-nausea medication with a small sip of water to help them keep down the pain medication.
Call for help
Most migraines last between 4-72 hours. If your friend is in significant pain and does not seem to be responding to the medication it is sensible to seek out some medical help. In some larger centres you may be able to get a locum to visit the house for a small fee, but many locums will not issue a full range of pain medications due to safety issues with being targeted by people with addictions.
Medical centres like Medical Centre 291 can often provide much quicker service than the emergency room. Call ahead before you bring your friend in to see if there is a dark or quieter area they can sit in to wait for the doctors, as busy medical waiting rooms can be very disturbing to someone in serious pain. Medical centres will often help you to get seen sooner if they know the person is in significant pain and can advise if the doctor is running behind schedule when you call in for an emergency booking.
With some care and attention most migraine sufferers are back to themselves within a few days. Don't hesitate to ask for more help from a medical professional if you feel overwhelmed.